
  1. Call dropping due to loss of signal.
  2. Irresponsible people
  3. Overly philosophical people
  4. Overly analytic people 
  5. People talking about topics they don't know about as if they were experts
  6. People who do't know the difference between: "your" and "you're". "Hay", "ay" and "ahí".
  7. Double negatives in sentence
  8. Hearing the word "haiga"
  9. Men whistling or calling out at me as I walk somewhere
  10. People whining about the same thing over and over
  11. Films that are censored or cut for TV
  12. No signal on the cellphone. 
  13. Hypocrisy 
  14. Having to "butter someone up" to ask them for a favor.
  15. Invasion of privacy
  16. Friends that try to get in the way of a relationship.
  17. People who criticize with no sense to it
  18. People talking during a movie.
  19. Teenagers laughing at a horror movie in the theaters
  20. People that don't put signal lights when changing lanes on the road
  21. Badly parked cars.
  22. People that overly use the horn of their car
  23. Cyclists that ride their bikes in the middle of the road
  24. Cars that suddenly stop for no reason or enter the lane without looking
  25. In general.... People who just drive badly.
  26. Overly attached girlfriends/boyfriends
  27. People who whine to much about their lives.
  28. Teenagers (and adults) that can't control their hormones
  29. People fighting over the internet
  30. The concept of "cyberbulling"
  31. Mothers that don't control their children in public
  32. Mothers that yell at their children in public making a huge scene
  33. Mothers that use that thing that looks like a dog leash on their children. 
  34. New reggaeton music which is just very repetitive
  35. People that blame anything and everything but themselves for their failures
  36. People that seem to always need a favor
  37. Overly using "like", "you know" or "como que" in a sentence
  38. Women that wear bright/printed bras under a white shirt


  1. My nose being touched
  2. Being yelled at (or even just raising their voice at me)
  3. Being left on the phone waiting while the person talks or does other things in the background.
  4. People leaving the shopping baskets misplaced. 
  5. Novelas/Soap Operas
  6. Late night phone calls with no reason to them
  7. Silence
  8. People who have no idea when you have stopped listening to them and they should stop talking.
  9. Being interrupted when doing something important.
  10. Extreme public displays of affection (on the internet or in person)
  11. Repetitive songs
  12. Spanish dubbed programs/movies
  13. TV with blind person commentary
  14. Subtitles in a language I don't know
  15. Random strangers talking nonsense to me on the train.
  16. My neighbors high music late in the night -_-
  17. Last minute plan changes
  18. Dogs barking
  19. Laying down to watch TV and just as I get comfortable having to get up to pee O_O
  20. The battle every night between being sleepy and hungry.
  21. Hulu not uploading the new episodes of one of my shows the next day.
  22. Slow internet.
  23. My cat randomly scratching my legs. 
  24. People "pussy footing" around me to get to a point (ask the favor or saying what needs to be said)
  25. People that take more than 30 minutes to text back.
  26. Bioinformatics analysis that take too long. 
  27. Programs not working/ Analysis not running
  28. People not being specific when they ask for something
  29. Drivers that don't turn right on red
  30. Pigeon poop on my car
  31. Drama queens.
  32. Most junior high students
  33. Arrogant people
  34. People that try to nap on you on a plane
  35. Morning allergies
  36. Being sick
  37. People that constantly complain about how busy they are on social media but don't log off
  38. Not finding the right shoes to wear
  39. Having to iron any piece of clothing
  40. Slow loading while watching an episode of a series I like
  41. Fake, high pitched laughs
  42. Songs that are more like talking with music in background than actually singing
  43. People that play drums on any surface they can
  44. Tapping, poking and repetitive body movement.
  45. Morning people (Sorry Mom!)
  46. People who say LOL in a face to face conversation
  47. People interrupting my nap time
  48. Women that wear leggings without the long shirt to cover their crotch.
  49. Any type of game request (Cityville, Farmville, Candy Crush etc) request on Facebook.
Reflecting on the things that bother me...

Personal - Many of the things that are on my personal list are caused by my non-diagnosed OCD,  need to control everything, my laziness or the need to be left alone. I don't think they are social issues and the world should be burned because of any of them although at the time it may seem so... Most of the things just elevate my blood pressure, make me roll my eyes, sigh and imagine the slow, painful deaths of those involved. 

Social - The social things are mainly grammatical issues and driving issues which I'm sure annoy me and the rest of the planet likewise. A common theme to my social issues can be summarized as lack of common sense and apparent brain function. They are the kind of things that although may seem personal I do consider that they affect society negatively and definitely should be changed to make the world a more tolerable place to live in.

The ones that are closest to me is "People talking about topics they don't know about as if they were experts" and "People that blame anything and everything but themselves for their failures". The first one affects me more than others because I am very appreciative of people having different specialties and things they are good at, therefore I find it highly annoying when they cross over and speak of things they don't know with arrogance and feelings of expertise. Society wise this is horrible, because people speaking out of context is one of the main problems almost every aspect of society has. On the other side people that lack the ability to accept the responsibility for their failures are a problem in society because in my opinion they are mediocre and will never amount to anything. These type of people need to understand that many of their problems and issues are in their control and that the things they whine so much about are most probably their own doing.

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