It is no doubt that Disney is a part of the life of children and adults all over the world, from the movies and songs to the theme parks and merchandise Disney is without a doubt one of the biggest corporations in the US and worldwide. Growing up with the classic Disney movies like many my age I can say that many of my fondest childhood memories can be stirred up by listening to any of the songs from the movies. As an adult I still enjoy many of these and have no problem with spending hours in front of the TV watching one after another. These were my feelings before watching the documentary. Disney to me represents a lot of my childhood and its something that instantly makes a connection with anyone my age since we all grew up hyped on the same movies. 
As I watched the documentary and shortly after I understood the points it wanted to make but think that in a great sense it was contradictory in some points, exaggerated in others and slightly ridiculous in a few. Yes, Disney as a brand is highly influential to children and is one of the biggest corporations worldwide. No it is not its responsibility to raise children right, that's what parents are supposed to be for and no I don't think its this evil company that sets out to be disrespectful. In essence the Disney movies are a type of social thermometer representing an animated version of the vision of society that the authors had when they wrote these stories. When Walt Disney drastically changed the story of Mary Poppins to be more "child friendly" and "cuter" both the author and many who had read the book were enraged and highly disappointed with his interpretation, and yet when he keeps close to the story line in many other films he is criticized for this as well.  I'm not saying he is the epitome of innocence, I just think he is a businessman like any other that saw something that sells and went after it.

Many of the things presented in the documentary I already knew, thanks to internet and the loss on innocence that comes with maturity you start seeing many things as an adult that you missed as a child. I've always thought this is something the movie creators do to make the films interesting for the adults as well, I mean it would be torturous to watch the film with your children without something to laugh about as well. A classic example of this is the Dreamworks movies like Shrek and Cat in the Hat which have a lot of hidden adult humor that goes unperceived by children. These are the kind of movies you see and laugh at as a child and then watch as an adult and laugh again for so many different reasons. 

In the future my children will most definitely grow up on the classic Disney movies just as I did, which the addition of the good ones that were released later on and the Pixar, Dreamworks and other fun cartoon movies. I find no harm in these and just as I was raised to know the different between fantasy and reality, movie and real life I will teach my children to differentiate the same. The racism, sexuality and body image issues are things we see as adults with the malice gained over the years, as a child to be a princess I didn't think of having the hips and boobs, I actually had no concept of what these were. As a child all I needed to be a princess was a tiara and a pretty dress. In conclusion I don't believe in the evil of Disney and even if the documentary made many good points it didn't shift my point of view since it was things I already knew. Disney is a brand, a corporation and just like any other they see what works and make it huge. Magic, innocence and the illusion of always being a child with a fairy tale happy ending are things that sell. I don't think anyone makes themselves false illusions that this is how it will be in real life, but that's exactly the point. Movies are to escape reality and believe for about two hours in things that aren't true. Honestly, I don't think there could be something that could shift my opinion about Disney because it is an informed opinion and I feel very strongly about the possibility of happy endings like the ones in Disney, its the reason I also read cheesy romance books and listen to Taylor Swift songs. I don't expect or

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