After reading Ms. Thurin's interesting and highly accurate description of the boys at UPR I can say that I mainly agree with her and that since I am generally oblivious to these kinds of things I don't hace much to add to it. However I did find her to be funny and wish someone would also do the girls (Now THAT would be interesting). Honestly I don't usually notice much of my surroundings in terms of people unless they are annoying or actually do something to draw my attention. 

Now for some stereotypical, cliche fun! 
As a self proclaimed former slightly psychotic girlfriend as soon as my boyfriend decided to study Engineering (and knowing this meant he would eventually study on the other side of the island) I took to the task of scoping out what women in Engineering were like. And was very pleased to know that there actually aren't many! Nevertheless they do exist and since it is what I have mostly seen and heard of it will be my little research here.

INME (Mechanical Engineering) - Extremely rare species, of a class of 30, if you're lucky you might find 2 or 3 girls. These can be either slightly tomboyish trying to fit in with the boys or staying true to the "power to the women" statement. They tend to be extremely smart and extremely annoyed by the men who either only want to flirt with them (I mean, how often does a mechanical engineer come across a female anyway?) or the other type of men (professors included) that doubt their ability to be successful engineers. 

INCI (Civil Engineering) - This is pretty much the ghost species of Engineering, and no data could be obtained for the women or even for the men. They are generally seen only in first year, in general classes and they occasionally they come out of their hiding spot to measure buildings with strange equipment and then go back to wherever they are. 

ICOM (Computer Engineering) - Remember that "geeky" kinda shy girl in high school? Where this is where she ended up. Surrounded by men who like their INME and INEL relatives drool over them if they are even slightly attractive, these girls will be generally found stuck to a computer trying to decipher some writing that looks a lot like the green squiggles of "The Matrix". The women of this species are generally confused with their close relatives in INEL. 

INEL (Electrical Engineering) - As with many engineering departments (other than ININ and INQU) women are rarely found in this department. Often mistaken with their close cousins of ICOM these ladies tend to stray away from their departments classmates to mingle with the girls of INQU. 

INQU (Chemical Engineering) - The "pretty girls", these are glorified Chemistry majors that allow themselves the perks of being called an engineer. These are the hair always in place, weekends studying on the beach, " I'm so stressed out but still find time to hang out" kind of girls. It is the only engineering department where you will actually find a larger amount of women than 5 per class. 

ININ (Industrial Engineering) - The lowest of the food chain of the engineering as considered by other engineers (this applies to both men and women). This species is closely related to INQU women and like them have the highest concentration of women in engineering and also contains the "pretty girls". These have the burden of endlessly answering the question "What does an industrial engineer do?" (Seriously, what do they do?) and never being quite as understood as their fellow mates. 

And there you have it. A brief characterization of the almost non existent women in Engineering. See everyone? I told you they existed, you just have to look very closely and through the masses of engineering men that surround them but will rarely ever have the guts to talk to them.

9/12/2013 02:10:35 am

This is a very original writing, unless like now that I have read it, I never stop to think that you are right, women in engineering are almost non existent.

9/12/2013 03:00:41 am

havent seen any girl studying that u are right... I agree with you, i dont take too much time looking at other people for that... nice article :)

9/13/2013 04:56:05 pm

Your post made me think of all of my high school friends that wanted to study Engineering, but I digress. I found your post to be very original, well-structured and also informative. I really liked it!


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